1. Do not place your offers or PAMM project advertising anywhere else except in this Section.
2. To post a PAMM project advertisement, please open a new thread. And, the thread's name should start with your PAMM account number and PAMM project's name. (Similar for ForexCopy Project)
Format:- [Account Number] Title of your PAMM/ForexCopy Project.
3. Advertisement of another person's PAMM project is not allowed.
4. Advertisement of other PAMM accounts are not Allowed other than that of InstaForex.
5. Advertisement of non-deposited PAMM projects (with a zero balance on a PAMM account) is not allowed.
6. New PAMM Projects of less than 1 Month should be Opened (or will be Moved) in PAMMpers Section.
7. If your PAMM Account Survives and performs well after 1 Month then your account will be moved to Main Section.
8. If your PAMM Account performs well and more than 6 Months Old then your account will be moved into a Special Section PAMMarathon.
9. If your PAMM Account is been Blown or wiped off then your Account will be moved in PAMM&Copy trash Section.
10. ForexCopy Project of Our Forum Members will be Hosted in Special Section ForexCopy Projects of our members (Members is Considered as Forum Member if he has atleast more than 100 posts).
11. If your ForexCopy Account is been Blown or wiped off then your Account will be moved in PAMM&Copy trash Section.
In case the administration has discovered that the name of your PAMM or ForexCopy project is similar to another one which has already been registered, the administration team will Delete your PAMM or ForexCopy Thread.