This live-action film directed by Blake Harris is not a sequel or remake of Disney's The Little Mermaid (1989) although both are inspired by the legendary book by H.C. Andersen. The plot of the story is no longer about the love story of a mermaid and a handsome prince but about a child's belief in the existence of a mermaid, although there was a story about a romantic relationship between the reporter and the mermaid, but it was not the main plot and was depicted in only one scene.
The rhythm of the story flows lightly following a simple story plot, there are no big emotional upheavals that color the story conflicts so that all conflicts seem to be resolved without presenting a shocking effect. The battle between Cam and Locke also seems to be made easy and instant, so it doesn't give you curiosity, as well as the story of the magic water being resolved just like that without any explanation where the magic water came from.
However, I think that with such an easy story plot it can be easily followed by child viewers because the story does not become heavy and is suitable as an entertainment film for the whole family to watch.