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  1. #7
    Banned Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp's Avatar
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    Realme 7 Pro और Realme 7 आगामी सेल फोन हैं जो Realme द्वारा 3 सितंबर, 2020 को लॉन्च किए जाएंगे। Realme 7 Pro स्मार्टफोन के आकार में 6.40 इंच के सुपर AMOLED कैपेसिटिव टचस्क्रीन के साथ आने की उम्मीद है। स्क्रीन का रिज़ॉल्यूशन 20: 9 के आस्पेक्ट रेशियो के साथ 1080x2400 पिक्सल हो सकता है। इसके अलावा, डुअल-सिम रियलमी 7 प्रो के आयाम 160.9 मिमी x 74.3 मिमी x 8.7 मिमी (HXWXT) होने का अनुमान है और इसका वजन लगभग 182 ग्राम हो सकता है।

    Realme का फोन दो स्टोरेज वैरिएंट्स में उपलब्ध होगा यानी 6GB रैम + 128GB इंटरनल स्टोरेज और 8GB रैम + 128GB इंटरनल स्टोरेज। साथ ही, इनबिल्ट स्टोरेज को माइक्रोएसडी कार्ड का उपयोग करके 256GB तक बढ़ाया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा, Realme 7 Pro को ऑक्टा-कोर क्वालकॉम SM7125 स्नैपड्रैगन 720G (8 एनएम) प्रोसेसर द्वारा संचालित किया जाता है, ताकि आप एक ही समय में गेम खेलते या कई ऐप एक्सेस करते समय एक अबाधित और सुगम प्रदर्शन का आनंद ले सकें।

    Realme 7 Pro को एंड्रॉइड v10 (Q) ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम चलाने के लिए अनुमान लगाया गया है और इसमें 4500 mAh की नॉन-रिमूवेबल बैटरी हो सकती है, ताकि आप इसे बैटरी ड्रेनेज के मुद्दों के बारे में चिंता किए बिना उपयोग कर सकें। इसके अलावा, फोन 65W मालिकाना फास्ट चार्जिंग का समर्थन करने के लिए कहा जाता है।

    कैमरे के बारे में बात करते हुए, Realme 7 Pro में पीछे की तरफ क्वाड-कैमरा सेटअप होने की उम्मीद है। F / 1.8 अपर्चर के साथ 64 MP का प्राइमरी कैमरा हो सकता है, f / 2.3 अपर्चर के साथ 8 MP का अल्ट्राइड एंगल कैमरा हो सकता है; f / 2.4 अपर्चर के साथ 2 MP का मैक्रो लेंस और f / 2.4 अपर्चर के साथ 2 MP का गहराई वाला शूटर। रियर कैमरा सेटअप पर विभिन्न विशेषताओं में एक्समोर-आरएस सीएमओएस सेंसर, ऑटो फोकस, एलईडी फ्लैश, डिजिटल ज़ूम, पैनोरमा और फेस डिटेक्शन शामिल हो सकते हैं। मोर्चे पर, स्मार्टफोन में 32 एमपी कैमरा को f / 2.5 एपर्चर के साथ या कुछ आश्चर्यजनक सेल्फी क्लिक करने की सुविधा है।

    Realme 7 प्रो पर विभिन्न कनेक्टिविटी विकल्पों में 3.5 मिमी जैक, वाई-फाई 802.11 ए / बी / जी / एन / एसी, डुअल-बैंड, वाई-फाई डायरेक्ट, हॉटस्पॉट, डिवाइस द्वारा समर्थित 5 जी (नेटवर्क लुढ़का नहीं) शामिल होने की उम्मीद है -आउट इन इंडिया), 4 जी (भारतीय बैंड का समर्थन करता है), 3 जी, 2 जी, जीपीएस, ग्लोनास, और गैलिलियो। मोबाइल पर सेंसर में लाइट सेंसर, कंपास, प्रॉक्सिमिटी सेंसर, फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर, एक्सेलेरोमीटर और जायरोस्कोप शामिल हो सकते हैं।


    प्रदर्शन क्वालकॉम स्नैपड्रैगन 720G
    6.4 इंच प्रदर्शित करें (16.3 सेमी)
    स्टोरेज 128 जीबी
    कैमरा 64 एमपी + 8 एमपी + 2 एमपी + 2 एमपी
    बैटरी 4500 एमएएच
    मूल्य भारत में 20999
    राम 6 जीबी, 6 जीबी

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    Banned billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007's Avatar
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    Realme 7 प्रो


    रुपये। 45,999

    Realme 7 Pro - एक नया स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च करने के लिए तैयार है चीनी तकनीक Realme 7 प्रो लाएगा जो श्रृंखला का उच्च अंत संस्करण है और इसे शक्तिशाली स्पेक्स के साथ पैक किया जाएगा। हमने पहले ही देखा है कि हैंडसेट को एक मानक वर्सियो भी मिला है। Realme 7 Pro शक्तिशाली स्पेक्स पैकिंग कर रहा है और उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए सबसे अच्छे विकल्पों में से एक होगा। कंपनी का आगामी स्मार्टफोन एक शक्तिशाली चिपसेट द्वारा सशक्त होने वाला है। Realme के 7 प्रो में क्वालकॉम स्नैपड्रैगन 720G को हाई-एंड परफॉर्मेंस वाला लेटेस्ट चिपसेट मिला है। कंपनी का आगामी स्मार्टफोन जिसे Realme 7 Pro कहा जा रहा है वह 6 गीगाबाइट रैम क्षमता से लैस होने वाला है जो फोन के मानक संस्करण से बेहतर है। Realme द्वारा 7 प्रो के रूप में जानी जाने वाली कंपनी के आने वाले डिवाइस को बड़ी मात्रा में डेटा प्रदान करने के लिए 128 गीगाबाइट की अंतर्निहित भंडारण क्षमता के साथ पैक किया गया है। डिवाइस एक समर्पित स्लॉट के साथ आ रहा है जिसका उपयोग फोन की आंतरिक भंडारण क्षमता को बढ़ाने के लिए किया जाएगा। Realme Pro क्वाड-कैमरा सेटअप से लैस होगा। मुख्य सेंसर 64 मेगापिक्सल का होगा जो अभी भी बाजार में उपलब्ध नवीनतम सेंसर क्षमता में से एक है। Realme 7 का Pro 8 मेगापिक्सल के अल्ट्रा वाइड लेंस से लैस है और मैक्रो सेंसर 2 मेगापिक्सेल होने वाला है। साथ ही 2 मेगापिक्सल का डेप्थ सेंसर है। Realme 7 Pro का फ्रंट-फेसिंग कैमरा 32 मेगापिक्सल के मेन सेंसर के साथ डुअल होगा और सेकेंडरी सेंसर 2 मेगापिक्सल का होगा। स्मार्टफोन को उपयोग करने के लिए अधिक सुरक्षित बनाने के लिए डिवाइस में साइड-माउंटेड फिंगरप्रिंट रीडर होने वाला है। 7 प्रो लॉन्च होने के बाद सैमसंग और अन्य स्मार्ट टेक कंपनियां आगे की वास्तविक प्रतिस्पर्धा का सामना करेंगी। आगे बढ़ो और इस एक को पकड़ो।

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    Realme X3

    Price of Realme X3 in Pakistan is Rs. 59,999.

    Price of Realme in USD is $447.

    Realme X3 - A phone With Stunning Features

    The new Realme will bring X3 the new smartphone with some outstanding specs and features to provide the user with everything that he wants. High-end camera setup, SoC and every feature of the Realme X3. The handset will be powered by one of the greatest chipset available for the smartphone in the market. You will find Snapdragon 855+ inside the Realme's X3 to give the performance you want from a chipset of this standard. The SoC of the phone is paired with a massive RAM capacity of 6/8 gigabytes. The RAM and the chipset of the Realme X3's are going to present high-end performance. The internal storage capacity of the phone also gives the user to choose the variant with 64 gigabytes or 128 gigabytes. Realme sharp X3 will be available in two versions with different RAM and internal storage capacity. The new cherry of the company is also packing a high-end camera setup. Realme is a having a quad-camera setup at the X3 backside. The main sensor of the rear camera setup will be 64 megapixels that are the pattern of smartphones these days. The ultra-wide sensor of the upcoming smartphone X3 will be 8 megapixels. The ultra-wide camera is 12 megapixels and themacro of the device is having 2 megapixels capacity. The handset will come equipped with a 6.6 inches IPS screen. The X3 with is this high-end screen will present you with full HD plus the resolution of 1080 x 2400 Pixels. The battery of the phone is also a good one. The X3 by Realme is fueled with a Li-Po Non-removable 4200 mAh battery for the best results. The under-display fingerprint reader is there to protect the data on the smartphone. So like Samsung, all these smartphones are now having massive features as this new Realme X3 is containing.

    Realme X3 detailed specifications

    Build OS Android 10 OS
    UI Realme UI
    Dimensions 163.8 x 75.8 x 8.9 mm
    Weight 202 g
    SIM Dual Sim, Dual Standby (Nano-SIM)
    Colors Glacier Blue, Arctic White
    Frequency 2G Band SIM1: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
    SIM2: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
    3G Band HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
    4G Band LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 4(1700/2100), 5(850), 8(900), 34(2000), 38(2600), 39(1900), 40(2300), 41(2500)
    Processor CPU Octa-core (1 x 2.96 GHz Kryo 485 & 3x2.42 GHz Kryo 485 + 4 x 1.78 GHz Kryo 485)
    Chipset Qualcomm SM8150 Snapdragon 855+ (7 nm)
    GPU Adreno 640 (700 MHz)
    Display Technology IPS LCD Capacitive Touchscreen, 16M Colors, Multitouch
    Size 6.6 Inches
    Resolution 1080 x 2400 Pixels (~401 PPI)
    Protection Corning Gorilla Glass 5
    Extra Features 120Hz refresh rate
    Memory Built-in 128GB Built-in, 6/8GB RAM
    Card No
    Camera Main Quad Camera: 64 MP, f/1.8, 26mm (wide), 1/1.72", PDAF + 12 MP, f/2.5, 51mm (telephoto), PDAF, 2x optical zoom + 8 MP, f/2.3, 119Ëš, 16mm (ultrawide), 1/4.0", + 2 MP, f/2.4, (macro), LED Flash
    Features Geo-tagging, Phase detection, HDR, Panorama, Video (4K@30/60fps, 1080p@30/60fps, 720p@960fps; gyro-EIS)
    Front Dual 16 MP, f/2.0, 26mm (wide), 1/3.06" + 8 MP, f/2.2, 105Ëš (ultrawide), 1/4.0", Panorama, Video (1080p@30fps, gyro-EIS)
    Connectivity WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
    Bluetooth v5.0 with A2DP, LE
    GPS Yes + dual-band A-GPS with GLONASS, BDS, GALILEO, QZSS
    USB 2.0, Type-C 1.0 reversible connector
    NFC No
    Data GPRS, Edge, 3G (HSPA 42.2/11.5 Mbps), 4G LTE-A
    Features Sensors Accelerometer, Compass, Fingerprint (side mounted), Gyro, Proximity
    Audio 3.5mm Audio Jack, MP4/H.264 player, MP3/WAV/eAAC+/FLAC player, Speaker Phone
    Browser HTML5
    Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
    Games Built-in + Downloadable
    Torch Yes
    Extra Glass front + Gorilla Glass 5), Glass back, plastic frame, Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic, Document viewer, Photo/video editor
    Battery Capacity (Li-Po Non removable), 4200 mAh
    - Fast charging 30W, 100% in 55 min (advertised)

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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  6. #4
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    Realme C2 32GB


    Realme C2 32GB's retail price in Pakistan is Rs. 15,999. Official dealers and warranty providers regulate the retail price of Realme mobile products in official warranty.

    Realme C2 32GB in Pakistan is Rs. 15,999.

    Realme in USD is $119.

    Realme C2 32GB - A Budget Phone of the Company

    Realme is coming with its C2 32GB variant. This is the entry-level variant of the company. This affordable smartphone has got everything that you want to see in a smartphone. The new Realme C2 32GB will be powered by Mediatek MT6762 Helio P22 which is 12 nm chipset that will definitely work better than the 14 nm chipset. The chipset is packed with 2 gigabytes of RAM that will be for the quick execution of multitasking. The Realme's C2 32GB is coming with 32 gigabytes of internal storage that is sufficient to store a lot of data but if you are not satisfied with the memory of the smartphone then you can the expandable of the Realme C2 32GB's so that you could increase the memory capacity of the smartphone up to 256 gigabytes and that will be enough to store an ample amount of data. The C2 32GB by Realme has got a 6.1 inch IPS LCD display screen that presents full HD plus the resolution of 720 x 1560 Pixels. The screen will be shielded by Corning Gorilla Glass. On the rear of the Realme 32GB, you will find a dual rear camera setup in which the main sensor will 13 megapixels along with 2 megapixels depth sensor. The selfie shooter of the Realme C2's 32GB will be 5 megapixels. On the rear of the handset, there is an LED flash to assist the camera in low-light conditions. It will run Android 9.0 (Pie), the latest OS available for the smartphones. The Realme C2 32GB is fueled with a Li-ion Non-removable 4000 mAh battery. Unfortunately, like other budget smartphones, the phone is not equipped with a fingerprint sensor. The upcoming C2 32GB's going to be a good rival for Samsung entry-level smartphone.

    Realme C2 32GB detailed specifications

    Build OS Android 9.0 (Pie)
    UI ColorOS 6.0
    Dimensions 154.3 x 73.7 x 8.5 mm
    Weight 166 g
    SIM Dual Sim, Dual Standby (Nano-SIM)
    Colors Diamond Black, Diamond Blue
    Frequency 2G Band SIM1: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
    SIM2: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
    3G Band HSDPA 850 / 900 / 2100
    4G Band LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 5(850), 8(900), 38(2600), 40(2300), 41(2500)
    Processor CPU 2.0 GHz Octa-Core Cortex-A53
    Chipset Mediatek MT6762 Helio P22 (12 nm)
    GPU PowerVR GE8320
    Display Technology IPS LCD Capacitive Touchscreen, 16M Colors, Multitouch
    Size 6.1 Inches
    Resolution 720 x 1560 Pixels (~282 PPI)
    Protection Corning Gorilla Galss (unspecified version)
    Memory Built-in 32GB Built-in, 2GB RAM
    Card microSD Card, (supports upto 256GB) (dedicated slot)
    Camera Main Dual 13 MP, f/2.2, AF + 2 MP, f/2.4, depth sensor, LED Flash
    Features Geo-tagging, Phase detection, touch focus, Panorama, HDR, Video
    Front 5 MP, HDR
    Connectivity WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, WiFi Direct, hotspot
    Bluetooth v4.2 with A2DP, LE
    GPS Yes + A-GPS support & Glonass
    Radio FM Radio
    USB microUSBv2.0, USB On-The-Go
    NFC No
    Data GPRS, Edge, 3G (HSPA 42.2/5.76 Mbps), 4G LTE-A
    Features Sensors Accelerometer, Compass, Proximity
    Audio 3.5mm Audio Jack, MP4/H.264/FLAC player, MP3/eAAC+/WAV player, Speaker Phone
    Browser HTML5
    Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
    Games Built-in + Downloadable
    Torch Yes
    Extra Active noise cancellation with dedicated mic, Document viewer, Photo viewer/editor
    Battery Capacity (Li-ion Non removable), 4000 mAh

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  7. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Akhterp For This Useful Post:

    Hassan1240 (2020-09-16), Iqlevel (2020-09-16), sara98065 (2020-09-16), Sunriser1 (2020-09-16), Unregistered (4)

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    Realme 6i

    Realme 6i price in Pakistan starts from Rs. 29,999. The lowest price of Realme 6i is Rs 29,999 at offline stores on 31st August 2020. This is for the base variant that comes with 4GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage.

    Retail Price of Realme 6i in Pakistan is Rs. 29,999.
    Retail Price of Realme in USD is $224.

    Realme 6i - An Affordable Smartphone
    Realme is unveiling its new 6i affordable smartphone that has got some outstanding specs. The smartphone is upgraded in the lot as compared to its previous variant 5i. The coming Realme 6i is having an upgraded camera setup with some features that will make the customer thinking to buy it. The new render leaked about the new smartphone of the company Realme's 6i reveals a handful amount of information about the smartphone. It will be powered by one of the latest chipset available for affordable smartphones in the market. The Realme 6/a>i's going to be Mediatek Helio G80. This is an 12 nm chipset that will provide the user with powerful performance. The internal storage of the new Realme sharp 6i is going to be 128 gigabytes but this is what we call built-in storage because you can easily improve the internal storage up to 256 gigabytes more by us MicroSD card. Realme will be packed with the new upcoming smartphone called 6i 4 gigabytes of RAM. The capacity of the RAM is enough to support multiple tasks without any issues. On the rear of the upcoming handset 6i, there will be a quad-camera setup. The main sensor of the camera squad will be 48 megapixels that are quite an improvement as compared to the previous variant 5i. The secondary sensor of the 6i will be 8 megapixels and the macro camera and depth sensor will be 2 megapixels. The handset will be packed with an 16 megapixels front-facing camera. 6i is also launching with a fingerprint sensor on the rear. This will protect the data on the smartphone. The battery of the smartphone is also a massive one that will provide the 6i by Realme with enough power. The volume rockers f the device is on the left side and the volume key is on the right side. If you are looking for a handset affordable good enough like Samsung then the new Realme 6i will the best choice for you.

    Realme 6i detailed specifications

    Build OS Android 10 OS
    UI ColorOS 6.0
    Dimensions 164.4 x 75.4 x 9 mm
    Weight 195 g
    SIM Dual Sim, Dual Standby (Nano-SIM)
    Colors White Milk, Green Tea
    Frequency 2G Band SIM1: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
    SIM2: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
    3G Band HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
    4G Band LTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 5(850), 8(900), 38(2600), 40(2300), 41(2500)
    Processor CPU Octa-core (2 x 2.0 GHz Cortex-A75 + 6 x 1.8 GHz Cortex-A55)
    Chipset Mediatek Helio G80 (12 nm)
    GPU Mali-G52 MC2
    Display Technology IPS LCD Capacitive Touchscreen, 16M Colors, Multitouch
    Size 6.5 Inches
    Resolution 720 x 1600 Pixels (~269 PPI)
    Protection Corning Gorilla Galss (unspecified version)
    Memory Built-in 128GB Built-in, 4GB RAM
    Card microSD Card, (supports up to 256GB) (dedicated slot)
    Camera Main Quad Camera: 48 MP, f/1.8, (wide), 1/2.25", PDAF + 8 MP, f/2.3, 13mm (ultrawide) + 2 MP, f/2.4, (macro), 1/5.0" + 2 MP, f/2.4, (depth), LED Flash
    Features Geo-tagging, fast focusing, bokeh effect, multi-frame noise reduction, hybrid HDR, AI scene recognition, AI beauty 2.0, night scape mode, Video (2160p@30fps, 1080p@30fps, gyro-EIS)
    Front 16 MP, f/2.0, HDR, Video (1080p@30fps)
    Connectivity WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
    Bluetooth v5.0 with A2DP, LE
    GPS Yes + A-GPS support, & GLONASS, BDS, GALILEO
    Radio FM Radio
    USB 2.0, Type-C 1.0 reversible connector, USB On-The-Go
    NFC No
    Data GPRS, Edge, 3G (HSPA 42.2/5.76 Mbps), 4G (LTE-A (2CA) 450/50 Mbps)
    Features Sensors Accelerometer, Compass, Fingerprint (rear mounted), Proximity
    Audio 3.5mm Audio Jack, MP4/H.264 player, MP3/WAV/eAAC+/FLAC player, Speaker Phone
    Browser HTML5
    Messaging SMS(threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
    Games Built-in + Downloadable
    Torch Yes
    Extra Document viewer, Photo/video editor
    Battery Capacity (Li-Po Non removable), 5000 mAh
    - Standard charging 18W
    Price Price in Rs: 29,999

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  9. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Pak3000 For This Useful Post:

    Akhterp (2020-09-16), billyboy00007 (2020-09-05), Hassan1240 (2020-09-16), Iqlevel (2020-09-16), sara98065 (2020-09-16), Sunriser1 (2020-09-16), Unregistered (3)

  10. #2
    Banned billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007's Avatar
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    The Realme 7 Pro starts at Rs. 19,999, which is quite a bit higher than the price that the 6 Pro launched at. Its main rivals right now include the Redmi Note 9 Pro Max and the Poco X2, and to some extent, higher the variant could compete with the Redmi K20 and Oppo F17 Pro. It's time to find out if the new Realme 7 Pro is worth buying.

    The Realme 7 Pro features the same mirror-split design on its back as the Realme 7, but it's a lot slimmer (8.7mm) and lighter (182g), even compared to the Realme 6 Pro. This makes it a lot more comfortable to hold and use. The frame and back panel are still made of plastic, but the quality is very good and the phone feels sturdy overall. The matte finish for the back means it doesn't pick up fingerprints easily, and the Mirror Blue unit that I have looks good. The phone is also available in white.

    The Realme 7 Pro performed well in the time I spent with it and I'm not surprised, as it features the same Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G SoC as the 6 Pro. It's still a good chip; it's power efficient and doesn't heat up much even when stressed. The base variant of the 7 Pro has 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, and is priced at Rs. 19,999, while the higher priced one has 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage for Rs. 21,999. I have the latter with me for review. The RAM and storage are LPDDR4X and UFS 2.1 respectively. Realme also claims that the 7 Pro is the first smartphone to pass TUV Rheinland's Smartphone Reliability Verification tests.

    Realme UI ran pretty smoothly on the top-end variant that I had. The phone never missed a beat, whether I was launching an app, switching between multiple apps, or playing a heavy game. The lack of a high refresh rate felt a little jarring to me, but that could be because I have just recently tested a number of phones with 90Hz screens.

    There's a 4,500mAh battery in the Realme 7 Pro, which on average easily lasted for more than one day starting on a full charge. Our HD video loop test also showed promising results, with the phone lasting a little over 22 hours. It takes barely any time to fully charge it too, thanks to the 65W fast charging adapter. In my tests, the 7 Pro's battery charged up to 87 percent in half an hour, and took only another 10 minutes or so to reach 100 percent.

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  11. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to billyboy00007 For This Useful Post:

    Akhterp (2020-09-16), Hassan1240 (2020-09-16), Iqlevel (2020-09-16), Pak3000 (2020-09-04), sara98065 (2020-09-16), Sunriser1 (2020-09-16), Unregistered (2)

  12. #1
    Senior Member atul231 is a jewel in the rough atul231 is a jewel in the rough atul231 is a jewel in the rough atul231 is a jewel in the rough atul231's Avatar
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    Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 720G
    Gaming Mobile Platform
    CPU: 8nm, Octa-core, Up to 2.3GHz GPU
    GPU: Adreno 618
    AIE:5th Generation Qualcomm AI Engine

    Charging & Battery
    65W SuperDart Charge
    4500mAh(typ) Massive Battery
    Includes a 10V/6.5A Charging Adaptor
    USB Type-C Port

    16.3cm (6.4”) Super AMOLED Fullscreen
    Resolution: 2400x1080 FHD+
    Screen-to-body Ratio: 90.8%
    PPI: 409
    Corning Gorilla Glass

    Sony 64MP Quad Camera
    Rear Camera
    64MP Primary Camera
    26mm, f/1.8
    Sony IMX682 Sensor, 1/1.73” Sensor Size
    B&W Portrait Lens

    In-display Selfie
    32MP Wide-angle Camera
    FOV 85°, f/2.5
    Photography function:
    Time-lapse Photography, HDR, Front Panorama,
    Beauty, Flip Selfie, Nightscape, Portrait Mode
    8MP Ultra wide-angle lens
    16mm, FOV 119°, f/2.3
    Macro lens

    Video recording
    UIS Video Stabilization
    UIS Max Video Stabilization
    Ultra Nightscape Video
    AI Color Portrait Video
    Ultra Wide-angle Video
    Real-time Bokeh Effect Video
    4K/30fps Video Recording
    1080P/120fps 720p/240fps Slo-mo Video Recording

    Storage & RAM
    8GB + 128GB
    The Largest Storage Available for realme 7 Pro
    6GB/8GB LPDDR4x Dual-channel
    ROM:128GB UFS 2.1

    Cellular & Wireless
    3-Card Slot

    2 SIM Card + 1 MicroSD
    Wireless network
    2.4/5 GHz
    802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
    Bluetooth 5.1
    GPS/AGPS, Beidou, Glonass, NavIC
    Magnetic Induction Sensor / Light Sensor /Proximity Sensor / Gyro-meter / Acceleration Sensor

    Packing List
    realme 7 Pro
    65W SuperDart Charger
    USB Type-C Cable
    Protect Case
    Protect Film
    SIM Card Tool
    Important Info Booklet with Warranty Card

    price -19999
    Attached Images  

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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