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Thread: A Review On VIVO Y3 Standard

  1. #11
    Banned m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148 has a reputation beyond repute m148's Avatar
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    नई विवो Y3 की कीमत
    अगर चीन में, नवीनतम वीवो वाई 3 की कीमत 999 युआन (जिसे 135 डॉलर में परिवर्तित किया गया है) की कीमत के साथ आता है, रंगों की पसंद के साथ आता है इंक ब्लू और जेक रेड, एक फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर है जो पीठ पर रखा गया है और इसके लिए समर्थन है फेस अनलॉक फॉर सिक्योरिटी, बटन वीवो वाई 3 स्टैंडर्ड एडिशन की शक्ति को कथित तौर पर जोवी एआई वॉयस असिस्टेंट को सक्रिय करने के लिए भी इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है और गेमिंग जरूरतों के लिए मैजिक बॉक्स मोड भी है, सेलफोन माइक्रोएसडी कार्ड स्लॉट से लैस है।

    Vivo Y3 2019 के फीचर्स
    विवो फोन की स्क्रीन में 6.35 इंच का एचडी + रिज़ॉल्यूशन (720 x 1544 पिक्सल) स्क्रीन है, जिसमें वाटर-स्टाइल नॉच और 19: 3: 9 स्क्रीन आस्पेक्ट रेश्यो है, किचन के लिए इसे स्नैपड्रैगन 339 SoC के साथ मिलकर बनाया गया है। 3GB RAM और 64GB ROM, यह फ़ोन UI FuntouchOS 9.1 को संचालित करता है जो Android OS 9.0 पर आधारित है, फ़ोन का आयाम 159.43 x 76.77 x 8.92 मिमी है और वजन 191.5 ग्राम है।

    वीवो Y3 स्टैंडर्ड एडिशन कैमरा
    सेलफोन का कैमरा क्षेत्र, सेलफोन 13 मेगापिक्सेल से युक्त एक दोहरे कैमरे को मुख्य सेंसर + 2 मेगापिक्सेल माध्यमिक लेंस के रूप में पैक करता है, जबकि सामने की ओर, सेल्फी और वीडियो कॉल के लिए 8 मेगापिक्सेल सेंसर है।
    सेलफोन को 5,000 एमएएच की बैटरी के साथ पैक किया गया है और इसमें 10W चार्जिंग की सुविधा है। कनेक्टिविटी फीचर्स में 4 जी एलटीई, वाई-फाई 802.11 बी / जी / एन, ब्लूटूथ, जीपीएस, माइक्रोयूएसबी और एक 3.5 एमएम ऑडियो जैक शामिल हैं, नोटिफिकेशन प्राप्त करने के लिए डार्टकॉम से जुड़े रहें। अद्यतन। नीचे की घंटी को दबाकर अधिक रोचक।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  2. #10
    Banned yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul's Avatar
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    वीवो वाई 3 एक आधुनिक स्मार्टफोन है जो आकर्षक घुमावदार किनारे स्क्रीन डिजाइन के स्पर्श के साथ आता है। उपस्थिति के संदर्भ में, यह डिवाइस पीछे के कवर पर एक सुरुचिपूर्ण छाप जोड़ने के लिए चमकदार उन्नयन लागू करता है। रंग विकल्प, फर्स्ट पीच पाउडर और मयूर ब्लू के हकदार, एक विशेष रंग प्रक्रिया का परिणाम है जो उपभोक्ताओं के लिए एक विशेष आकर्षण हो सकता है। इस बीच, अपने कॉम्पैक्ट रूप में, यह एक हाथ का उपयोग करके Vivo Y3 को स्टोर करना और संचालित करना आसान बनाता है।

    विवो Y3 कैमरा तकनीक उपयोगकर्ताओं और दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ क्षणों को कैप्चर करने के लिए उपयोगकर्ता की जरूरतों को समायोजित करने में सक्षम साबित होती है। कारण है, इस चीनी कंपनी ने एक दोहरे कैमरा कॉन्फ़िगरेशन को एम्बेडेड किया है, जिनमें से प्रत्येक में 13MP एपर्चर एफ / 2.2 मुख्य सेंसर, 8 एमपी सेंसर और 2 एमपी गहराई सेंसर हैं। दूसरी ओर, वीडियो कॉल और सेल्फी लेने की अपनी इच्छाओं को पूरा करने के लिए विशेष रूप से एक सिंगल 16MP रिज़ॉल्यूशन कैमरा है।

    कागज पर, वीवो वाई 3 में 1544 x 720 पिक्सल के रिज़ॉल्यूशन के साथ 6.35 इंच की आईपीएस एलसीडी स्क्रीन और 19.5: 9 का आस्पेक्ट रेश्यो है। स्क्रीन पर पतले बेजल और वॉटरड्रॉप नॉच के लिए स्पष्ट पैनल समकालीन आभार प्रकट करता है, हालाँकि दुर्भाग्यवश कॉर्निंग गोरिल्ला ग्लास स्क्रैच-प्रतिरोधी ग्लास के उपयोग के बारे में कोई और जानकारी नहीं है क्योंकि तेज खरोंच के कारण क्षति से स्क्रीन सुरक्षा।

    आप स्वतंत्र रूप से मल्टीटास्किंग कार्यों को अंजाम दे सकते हैं या एक विश्वसनीय 12nm FinFET गढ़े हुए रनवे रसोई, MediaTek Helio P35 की मदद से विभिन्न प्रकार के आकस्मिक गेम खेल सकते हैं। इस बीच, मेमोरी की जरूरतों को पूरी तरह से 4GB रैम और 128GB की इंटरनल स्टोरेज के द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जाता है जिसे अभी भी माइक्रोएसडी स्लॉट का उपयोग करके 256GB तक बढ़ाया जा सकता है।

    विश्वसनीय विनिर्देशों द्वारा समर्थित आवश्यक रूप से विवो Y3 को कमजोर-विरोधी नहीं बनाता है। कई कमियों पर विचार किया जाना चाहिए, जिनमें से एक आमतौर पर उपयोग किए जाने वाले यूएसबी टाइप-सी के अलावा एक माइक्रोएसडी 2.0 पोर्ट का उपयोग है। इसके अलावा, कंपनी वायरलेस भुगतान के साधन के रूप में एनएफसी प्रदान नहीं करती है। बाकी, विवो Y3 सामान्य रूप से विवो द्वारा बनाए गए स्मार्टफोन के समान है, जो वाई-फाई कनेक्टिविटी, ब्लूटूथ, फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर, ऑडियो जैक, 18W फास्ट चार्जिंग, और 5,000 एमएएच नॉन-रिमूवेबल के रूप में एक शक्ति स्रोत को वहन करता है। ली-पो बैटरी जिसे लंबे दिन तक चलने का दावा किया जाता है।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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  4. #9
    Banned ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar has a reputation beyond repute ismar's Avatar
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    यह स्मार्ट डिवाइस कई रंग विकल्पों (इंक ब्लू, जेड रेड) में आता है और इसमें शरीर का आयाम 159.4 x 76.7 x 8.9 मिमी (6.28 x 3.02 x 0.35) है और इसका वजन 191.5 ग्राम (6.77 औंस) है। डिजाइन घटकों से बनाया गया है, एक सिम कार्ड स्लॉट जो शरीर के किनारे पर रखा गया है, दोहरी सिम (नैनो-सिम, दोहरी स्टैंड-बाय) के लिए समर्थन करता है।

    प्रदर्शन क्षेत्र में, यह डिवाइस स्नैपड्रैगन 439 चिपसेट पर निर्भर करता है जो एक सेंट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट या एक ऑक्टा-कोर सीपीयू (4 × 1.95 गीगाहर्ट्ज़ कॉर्टेक्स-ए 53 और 4 × 1.45 गीगाहर्ट्ज़ कॉर्टेक्स ए 53) और एक ग्राफिक्स प्रोसेसर / जीपीयू एड्रेनो द्वारा समर्थित है। 505. ये प्रसंस्करण घटक 3 जीबी रैम क्षमता द्वारा समर्थित हैं। एक आंतरिक भंडारण विकल्प / ROM के साथ 64GB स्टोरेज, माइक्रोएसडीएक्सस और ली-पो प्रकार की बैटरी के साथ 5000 एमएएच की क्षमता के साथ पूरा करें।

    मल्टीमीडिया सेक्शन की ओर रुख करें तो IPS LCD कैपेसिटिव टचस्क्रीन, 16M कलर्स के साथ 6.35 ″ Inch स्क्रीन है। स्क्रीन रेजल्यूशन 720 × 1544 पिक्सल है और इससे लैस किया गया है। स्क्रीन एक दृश्यदर्शी है जो विभिन्न कार्यों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए काफी आरामदायक है। जिसमें वीडियो देखना और गेम खेलना शामिल है।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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  6. #8
    Banned muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn has a reputation beyond repute muhammadbwn's Avatar
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    vivo company aj kal main bht zida company ko peche chor rahi hai or bht zida famous ho rahi hai es ke main reason yahi hai ke es ke mobile phone ache hain or market main bhe avail hote hain or en ke specification bhe good hoti hai ese tara se Vivo Y3 hai es ke specification achi hai or ek acha mobile phone hai es ke kuch details es tara se hai

    es mobile phone ka weight 190g hai or SIM Dual Sim, Dual Standby (Nano-SIM) main hai or yeah multi colors main hai es ke main Colors main Peacock blue, Peach pink, ink blue hain or yeah 4G fully supported hai es ka process jo hai who 2.3 Ghz Octa Core main hai or es ka display 6.35 inches hai or es ke memory jo hai who Memory Built-in 128GB Built-in, 4/6GB RAM main hai or es ke camera ke details kuch youn hai Camera MainTriple Camera: 13 MP + 8 MP + 2 MP, autofocus, LED flash Features Geo-tagging, Phase detection, Panorama, HDR, Video Front 16 MP
    or es ke Battery Capacity (Li-ion Non removable), 5000 mAh main hai or es ke jo expected price hain who
    Price Price in Rs: Coming Soon (Expected Rs: 31,999) Price in USD: $NA yeah abi market main nh aya hai

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  7. #7
    Banned kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu has a reputation beyond repute kantu's Avatar
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    इससे पहले Vivo ने Vivo Y3 लॉन्च किया था, जिसे कल मई 2019 में लॉन्च किया गया था और कई लोगों ने अनुमान लगाया था कि Vivo Y3 Standard फोन Vivo Y3 का लाइट वर्जन है और कहा जाता है कि यह Y सीरीज लाइन में रिफ्रेशर है।

    यह फोन 16 मिलियन रंगों के साथ एक IPS LCD पैनल प्रौद्योगिकी स्क्रीन ले जाएगा। यहां तक कि स्क्रीन में 720 x 1544 पिक्सल के स्क्रीन रिज़ॉल्यूशन के साथ 6.35 इंच का क्षेत्रफल और शरीर का शरीर अनुपात 81.1% है। वाटरड्रॉप नॉच के रूप में फ्रंट कैमरा डिज़ाइन के साथ पूरा करें।

    Vivo Y3 Standard में फ्रंट में केवल एक कैमरा है। 8 MP के संकल्प के साथ। रियर कैमरे के लिए, मुख्य कैमरे के लिए 13 एमपी के रिज़ॉल्यूशन वाले दो कैमरे और डेप्थ सेंसर लेंस के लिए 2 एमपी हैं। कैमरा को बैक पर पिन करने के अलावा, विवो ने एक फिंगरप्रिंट स्कैनर सेंसर भी लगाया है जो स्क्रीन को अनलॉक करने का काम करता है। वीवो के इस नवीनतम मोबाइल फोन को क्वालकॉम स्नैपड्रैगन 439 चिपसेट द्वारा संचालित किया गया है जो कि 12nm तकनीक के प्रदर्शन की गति और एड्रेनो 505 GPU द्वारा समर्थित है। यह अपने पूर्ववर्ती से अलग है जो केवल मीडियाटेक के प्रोसेसर का उपयोग करता है।

    ऊपर छेनी के लिए क्षतिपूर्ति करने के लिए, विवो ने इसे 3 जीबी रैम और 64 जीबी स्टोरेज के रूप में स्टोरेज मेमोरी के साथ जोड़ा। इसके अलावा, यह सेलफोन 256 जीबी तक के माइक्रोएसडी का भी समर्थन करता है और एंड्रॉइड ओएस 9.0 (पाई) ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का उपयोग करता है जो कि फनटच 9.1 इंटरफेस के साथ स्तरित है।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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  9. #6
    Banned billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007's Avatar
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    Vivo Y3


    Rs. 31,999
    USD. $193

    Name: VivoU3-b.png Views: 16 Size: 22.2 KB
    Vivo Y3 - A Handset With a Powerful Chipset

    Chinese tech Vivo announces its Y3 to be launched very China in the near future. If we have a look at the recent past of the company it seems that the company has increased its production a great deal. And the Vivo Y3 shows that the company is not going to break even for a short while. One of the most important things about the company is that it produces good budget phones. Vivo's Y3 looks a quality handset specs wise but the specs suggest that the handset will is mid-range. It is powered by the MediaTek Helio P35 chipset. The chipset of the Vivo sharp Y3 is the powerful one being a mid-range handset that has a built-in Imagination's PowerVR GE8320, the same GPU used in the Helio P22. The Vivo introduces a triple rear camera setup in its Y3 to close the distance between the flagship and mid-range smartphones. The main sensor of that triple rear squad is 13 megapixels, the ultra-wide sensor of the upcoming Y3 is 16 megapixels and the depth sensor 2 megapixels. The front of the screen of the handset holds an 8 MP front facing to take selfies with. The size of the display screen of the Y3 is 6.35-inch that will full HD plus resolution of 1544x720 pixels. The bezels look slim and the screen has got waterdrop notch design as it holds the front-facing camera. The Y3 packed with a gigantic battery that will give 5000 mAh capacity to keep you connected to your smartphone for a long time. The upcoming smartphone That is known as Y3 by Vivo has got the dimensions of 159.43 x 76.77 x 8.92 mm, and it weighs 190.5g. It will be available in two different colors Peach Powder and Peacock Blue. One of the leaked renders of the Vivo Y3 also confirms that the handset is packed with a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner. Now, we can say that we have good competition at hands between this company and Samsung.

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  10. #5
    Highly Reputed Member jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon has a reputation beyond repute jindon's Avatar
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    finally Vivo Y3 Standard was officially released in January 2020. Of course, this is good news for Vivo Y Series fans, especially in the entry level market segment. Previously, it was necessary to note that the latest Vivo Y3 Standard mobile phone itself is a new affordable Vivo edition of the Vivo Y3. Where, this smartphone also now comes with slightly trimmed specifications, including changing the triple camera setting to two rear cameras. This is an attempt to reduce the price. On the other hand, the Vivo Y3 Standard is currently only officially sold on the Chinese market. Where, according to the news that has been circulating, this entry-level cellphone will be priced at a very affordable price of around 148 Yuan

    Vivo Y3 Standard is a cheap variant of the Vivo Y3 model. Where, there are several features and components that are downgraded to reduce the price. However, from the outside, it seems that it still has similarities. This is inseparable from the ideal dimension concept with a 6.35-inch HD + IPS LCD screen to guarantee a more captivating and quality visual. Not only that, it is even necessary to note that the Vivo Y3 Standard will also be armed with a variety of kitchen runway components that are quite sophisticated in its class. Call it the Snapdragon 439 Octa Core chipset and 3GB RAM with Android Pie OS support.

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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  12. #4
    Banned alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri's Avatar
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    Vivo Y3 has a very large screen size. This device has an LCD screen measuring 6.35 inches with HD + resolution (1,540 x 720 pixels). Interestingly, with its waterdrop design (full screen with small bangs at the top), this device can have a screen-to-body ratio of up to 89 percent. This new Vivo device is equipped with a chipset made by MediaTek, namely the Helio P35. For those who don't know, this chipset is equipped with eight ARM Cortex-A53 cores, which can be driven up to 2.3 GHz.

    This hipset made by MediaTek is able to get numbers up to 86,352, which is higher than other intermediate chipsets, especially the chipset made by Qualcomm, Snapdragon 625. Vivo also equipped this device with 4 GB of RAM, 128 GB of internal memory, and FunTouch OS 9 (based on Android 9 Pie), to accompany the capabilities of the Helio P35 chipset.

    Vivo Y3 is also equipped with pretty good support, both on the front and rear cameras. Technically, thanks to a 16 MP front camera and a combination of a 13 MP rear camera (f / 2.2) + 2 MP depth (f / 2.4) + 8 MP wide-angle (f / 2.2), the Vivo Y3 will be able to produce good and capable images. accommodate many photographic .

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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  14. #3
    Banned piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton has a reputation beyond repute piton's Avatar
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    competition in the smart phone market for the middle class does not make Vivo ignore the low entry class market. The reason is that according to several previous studies, the most Android users are in the low entry class. This is what Chinese vendors, including Vivo, are trying to use to produce smart phones with specifications that are quite capable but still at low prices. One of the smart phone products from Vivo that tries to target the low entry user market is the Vivo Y3 Standard. The Vivo Y3 Standard itself is actually another version of the Vivo Y3 which was released in May 2019. Vivo Y3 Standard is quite cheap, which is in the range of 899 Yuan or around Rp. 1.8 million. With this relatively low price, of course, there are adjustments to specifications and features.

    If the Vivo Y3 variant uses three rear cameras, then the Vivo Y3 Standard only has two rear cameras, each of which has a resolution of 13 MP and 2 MP. With a configuration like this, users can already feel the use of the bokeh effect when shooting. The Vivo Y3 Standard screen adopts a contemporary screen design with a waterdrop notch for an 8 MP selfie camera. The Vivo Y3 Standard screen is 6.35 inches in dimensions with HD + resolution of 720 x 1544 pixels.

    The processor sector is powered by the Snapdragon 439 chipset combined with 3 GB of RAM, 64 GB of internal storage and support for Adreno 505 graphics processing. With specifications like this, users can actually do multi-tasking activities, of course, with additional settings to run smoothly. One of the main attractions of the Y3 Standard series is the power supply sector. Vivo Y3 Standard is equipped with a large battery for the entry level smartphone, which is 5000 mAh. But unfortunately even though it is equipped with a large capacity battery, the Vivo Y3 Standard does not support the fast charging feature. So that users need longer time when doing the charging process until the battery capacity is 100% full.

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    Banned Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp's Avatar
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    A Review On Huawei Y3 - Price: Rs.13,899

    Chinese tech Vivo announces its Y3 to be launched very China in the near future. If we have a look at the recent past of the company it seems that the company has increased its production a great deal. And the Vivo Y3 shows that the company is not going to break even for a short while. One of the most important things about the company is that it produces good budget phones. Vivo's Y3 looks a quality handset specs wise but the specs suggest that the handset will is mid-range. It is powered by the MediaTek Helio P35 chipset. The chipset of the Vivo sharp Y3 is the powerful one being a mid-range handset that has a built-in Imagination's PowerVR GE8320, the same GPU used in the Helio P22. The Vivo introduces a triple rear camera setup in its Y3 to close the distance between the flagship and mid-range smartphones. The main sensor of that triple rear squad is 13 megapixels, the ultra-wide sensor of the upcoming Y3 is 16 megapixels and the depth sensor 2 megapixels. The front of the screen of the handset holds an 8 MP front facing to take selfies with. The size of the display screen of the Y3 is 6.35-inch that will full HD plus resolution of 1544x720 pixels. The bezels look slim and the screen has got waterdrop notch design as it holds the front-facing camera. The Y3 packed with a gigantic battery that will give 5000 mAh capacity to keep you connected to your smartphone for a long time. The upcoming smartphone That is known as Y3 by Vivo has got the dimensions of 159.43 x 76.77 x 8.92 mm, and it weighs 190.5g. It will be available in two different colors Peach Powder and Peacock Blue. One of the leaked renders of the Vivo Y3 also confirms that the handset is packed with a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner. Now, we can say that we have good competition at hands between this company and Samsung.

    Key Specifications:

    Display Size 4.0 inches
    RAM 512 MB RAM
    Rear Camera 5 MP
    Front Camera 2 MP
    Battery Capacity Removable Li-Po 1730 MAH battery
    Internal Memory 4 GB
    Screen Resolution 480 x 854 pixels

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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