Smith is responsible for providing strategic direction for all FedEx Corporation company operations, including FedEx Services, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight. FedEx serves more than 220 countries and territories with operations covering more than 677 aircraft and 80,000 vehicles. More than 290,000 team members worldwide handle more than 8 million shipments every business day. Since FedEx's founding in 1971, Smith has been an active advocate of regulatory reform, free trade and "open sky agreements" for airlines around the world.
FedEx has continued to strengthen industry leaders for 35 years, and has been widely recognized for its commitment to total quality service. FedEx Express was the company's first service to win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1990. FedEx has performed consistently in the FORTUNE magazine industry listings, including “World's Most Company award,” “America's Most Company award”, “100 Best Companies to Work For ”and is on FORTUNE's“ Blue Ribbon Companies list. "