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Thread: A Review On Tickmill Broker

  1. #14
    Banned Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000 has a reputation beyond repute Pak3000's Avatar
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    टिकमिल वित्तीय पुरस्कार आचरण प्राधिकरण (fca) और सेशेल्स के fsa द्वारा यूके में अधिकृत और विनियमित एक पुरस्कार विजेता वैश्विक ईसीएन ब्रोकर है।

    टिकमिल अपने खुदरा और संस्थागत ग्राहकों को विदेशी मुद्रा, स्टॉक सूचकांकों, जिंसों, सीएफडी और कीमती धातुओं पर मुख्य ध्यान देने के साथ विभिन्न व्यापारिक सेवाएं प्रदान करता है। कंपनी ने वैश्विक ईसीएन विदेशी मुद्रा दलालों के बीच कम प्रसार, उद्योग के सबसे कम ईसीएन आयोगों और अल्ट्रा-फास्ट निष्पादन के साथ उत्कृष्ट सेवाएं प्रदान की हैं, जो कि इक्विनिक्स एलडी 4 डेटा सेंटर में स्थित अत्याधुनिक लंदन ट्रेडिंग सर्वर के साथ प्रतिष्ठित है।

    टिकमिल बेहद कम बाजार प्रसार, कोई आवश्यकता नहीं, सही एसटीपी और डीएमए, पूर्ण पारदर्शिता और नवीन प्रौद्योगिकी प्रौद्योगिकी के साथ व्यापार का एक नया तरीका है। हमारा मिशन आपको सर्वोत्तम संभव व्यापारिक वातावरण प्रदान करना है ताकि आप व्यापार पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें और एक सफल व्यापारी बन सकें।

    व्यापारियों द्वारा व्यापारियों के लिए टिक्मिल का निर्माण किया गया है। हमारी टीम के सदस्यों के पास ट्रेडिंग का अनुभव है जो 1994 तक वापस चला जाता है और एशिया से उत्तरी अमेरिका के सभी प्रमुख वित्तीय बाजारों पर सफलतापूर्वक कारोबार करता है।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  2. #13
    Banned Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1 has a reputation beyond repute Gill1's Avatar
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    टिकमिल एक पुरस्कार विजेता ईसीएन ब्रोकर है जो फॉरेक्स, इंडेक्स और कमोडिटीज में ट्रेडिंग की पेशकश करता है। यह समीक्षा मेटा ट्रेडर 4 (एमटी 4) ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म, स्प्रेड, बोनस, प्लस डिपॉजिट और विद्ड्रॉल विकल्प की पड़ताल करती है। पता करें कि क्या आपको टिकमिल खाते के लिए साइन अप करना चाहिए।

    टिकमिल लिमिटेड वैश्विक टिकमिल समूह का सदस्य है, जिसमें 1980 के दशक में स्थापित कई व्यापारिक कंपनियां शामिल हैं। आज, ब्रोकर 200 से अधिक देशों में परिचालन कर रहा है, जिसकी औसत मासिक ट्रेडिंग मात्रा 121bn + है।

    इसका मुख्यालय लंदन में है लेकिन कंपनी के दुनिया भर में कई कार्यालय हैं और इसके ग्राहक इंडोनेशिया, दक्षिण अफ्रीका और तंजानिया से लेकर वियतनाम, एस्टोनिया, ऑस्ट्रेलिया और मलेशिया तक हर जगह पाए जा सकते हैं।

    टिकमिल ग्रुप लिमिटेड का भी हिस्सा आइल ऑफ मैन में पंजीकृत टिकमिल प्राइम और टिकमिल यूके है।

    ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म
    एमटी 4 प्लेटफार्म
    बेहद नेविगेशन, डैशबोर्ड अनुकूलन और सुविधाओं के सूट के कारण बेहद लोकप्रिय, MT4 अग्रणी विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार मंच है।

    व्यापारियों को इससे लाभ:

    ईए ट्रेडिंग
    चार्टिंग उपकरण
    50+ संकेतक
    ऐतिहासिक डेटा सेंटर
    आदेश प्रबंधन उपकरण
    उन्नत अधिसूचना प्रणाली
    वेबट्रैडर प्लेटफॉर्म
    एक ऑनलाइन प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के रूप में, वेब-आधारित इंटरफ़ेस को सॉफ़्टवेयर डाउनलोड की आवश्यकता नहीं है।

    विशेषताओं में शामिल:

    30+ संकेतक
    9 समय सीमा
    वास्तविक समय उद्धरण
    सहज ज्ञान युक्त अंतरफलक
    अनुकूलन मूल्य चार्ट

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  3. #12
    Banned billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007's Avatar
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    टिकमिल समूह की स्थापना 2014 में हुई थी और तब से अब तक इसने उल्लेखनीय विकास पथ का अनुभव किया है। तीन न्यायालयों में विनियमित, इसमें 263,000 से अधिक खातों वाले 111,000 से अधिक व्यापारी हैं। कंपनी ने 215 मिलियन से अधिक ट्रेडों को पूरा किया, जबकि औसत मासिक ट्रेडिंग वॉल्यूम $ 123 बिलियन ग्रहण किया। यह सीएफडी ब्रोकर वैश्विक स्तर पर 150 से अधिक स्टाफ सदस्यों को नियुक्त करता है, अपने व्यापार मॉडल को अच्छी तरह से निष्पादित करता है, और लगातार रूप से साझेदारी करने का प्रयास करता है जो इसके विस्तारित ग्राहक आधार के लिए व्यापारिक स्थितियों में सुधार करेगा।

    टिकमिल को मुख्य रूप से सेशेल्स फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज अथॉरिटी (fsa) द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जाता है, जहां यह नंबर 6008 के तहत एक सुरक्षा डीलर लाइसेंस रखता है। नियामक ढांचा ब्रोकर-फ्रेंडली है, जिससे टिकमिल एक प्रतिस्पर्धी कारोबारी माहौल को तैनात कर सकता है। टिकिल यूके लिमिटेड एफसीए रजिस्टर संख्या 717270 के साथ वित्तीय आचरण प्राधिकरण (एफसीए) प्राधिकरण के तहत संचालित होता है। व्यापारियों को वित्तीय सेवा मुआवजा योजना (एफएससीएस) द्वारा संरक्षित किया जाता है, अधिकतम £ 85,000 के जमा मूल्य तक।

    क्लासिक खाता बाज़ार निर्माता मॉडल के तहत 1.6 पिप्स में सूचीबद्ध न्यूनतम प्रसार के साथ संचालित होता है, जो कि अधिकांश ब्रोकरों द्वारा की गई स्प्रेड के रूप में कम नहीं है। टिकमिल फैल से अपनी फीस उत्पन्न करता है। अच्छी खबर यह है कि प्रो और वीआईपी खाते एनडीडी मॉडल को तैनात करते हैं, जहां प्रसार क्रमशः $ 4 और $ 2 के कमीशन के लिए काफी कम है। eur / usd जोड़ी के लिए, 0.2 पिप्स सबसे कम औसत फैली हुई पहचान थी, लेकिन टिकमिल 0.05 पिप्स के फैलने के साथ दोनों खातों का विपणन करता है।

    ग्राहक सेवा 24/5 उपलब्ध है। व्यापारी टिकमिल ई-मेल कर सकते हैं, वेबफॉर्म का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, कॉल कर सकते हैं या लाइव चैट फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। एक सामान्य प्रश्न अनुभाग सबसे बुनियादी सवालों के जवाब देता है। एक अच्छी तरह से संचालित ब्रोकरेज में ग्राहक सेवा टीम से सहायता की आवश्यकता शायद ही होती है, हालांकि यदि कोई आपात स्थिति उत्पन्न होती है, तो यह जानकर सुकून मिलता है कि कोई व्यक्ति सहायता के लिए तैयार है।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  4. #11
    Banned alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri has a reputation beyond repute alkatiri's Avatar
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    For me the Tickmill broker is very good. Based on my trading experience at this broker, they have good speed transaction and almost never requotes. Even when I try to enter the market in high volatilyty conditions, I can quickly enter without requotes. While this is true, in trading platform issues it seems only limited to Metatrader. But for me it's not a problem either because I'm also only familiar with the MetaTrader platform.
    Tickmill broker provide 3 account trading types : Classic Accounts, Pro Accounts, and VIPs. especially for VIP accounts, it is offered for professional and serious traders with big funds.

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to alkatiri For This Useful Post:

    yuyul (2020-07-21)

  6. #10
    Senior Member jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66 has a reputation beyond repute jigrak66's Avatar
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    Type of Tickmill Trading Account :

    1. Classic Account
    For beginner traders which can trade without commission and fast execution. Minimum deposit: $100
    Spread: Starting from 1.6 pips (Floating)
    Commission: Nothing
    Maximum Leverage: Up to 1: 500
    Instruments: 62 Forex Pairs, 15 Stock Indices, Oil, Precious Metals, and Bonds Account currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, PLN
    Average execution speed: 0.1 seconds

    2. Pro Account
    For retail traders which prioritize low spreads in the zero pips range.
    Minimum deposit: $100
    Spread: Starting from 0.0 pips (Floating)
    Commission: 2 units of currency traded per transaction of 1 lot (Open and Close counts 2 transactions)
    Maximum Leverage: Up to 1: 500
    Instruments: 62 Forex Pairs, 15 Stock Indices, Oil, Precious Metals, and Bonds Account currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, PLN
    Average execution speed: 0.1 seconds

    3. VIP Account
    For professional traders with big capital which want to maximize the best service from Tickmill, get lower spreads as well as more affordable trading commissions. Minimum deposit: $ 50,000
    Spread: Starting from 0.0 pips (Floating)
    Commission: 1 unit of currency traded per transaction of 1 lot (Open and Close counts 2 transactions)
    Maximum Leverage: Up to 1: 500
    Instruments: 62 Forex Pairs, 15 Stock Indices, Oil, Precious Metals, and Bonds Account currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, PLN
    Average execution speed: 0.1 seconds

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  7. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to jigrak66 For This Useful Post:

    alkatiri (2020-07-20), ismar (2020-07-20), m148 (2020-07-20), yuyul (2020-07-20)

  8. #9
    Banned billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007 has a reputation beyond repute billyboy00007's Avatar
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    Tickmill is a global forex and CFD broker founded in 2014. The company is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. Tickmill is considered safe and secure broker as per regulations.

    Account types:
    Pro,Classic and Vip
    Minimum deposit:
    $100 - $100 - 0

    Account opening is fully digital and easy to use

    Trading Platforms:
    Web,Pc and mobile
    Metatrader4 is available in large number of languages

    Deposit and withdrawal:
    Withdrawal is always free
    No deposit fee
    Several currencies are supported

    Deposit and winthdrawl options:
    Bank Transfer, Skrill, Neteller, Paysafecard, Sofort, Fasapay, Qiwi, Sticpay, Web money

    Website design is user-friendly and website is very easy to use recommend from my side

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  9. #8
    Banned yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul has a reputation beyond repute yuyul's Avatar
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    In general, Tickmill broker is one of the leading retail brokers in its class. Tickmill is known as one of the best brokers for scalping because it provides tight spreads for all accounts and pairs, even though there is a commission that has been set and for swap issues it can be eliminated by sending an email to the finance section of the "Islamic account".
    Access to trading facilities is given to the maximum through the support of Autochartist, and One-Click Trading, Tickmill broker also provides VPS for EA users, the forex calendar as the latest market info schedule, as well as a forex calculator that helps traders calculate margins and pips value when managing money management.

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to yuyul For This Useful Post:

    alkatiri (2020-07-20), irmafuad (2020-07-20), jigrak66 (2020-07-19), jindon (2020-07-20)

  11. #7
    Banned Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp has a reputation beyond repute Akhterp's Avatar
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    Tickmill eak global aor CFD forex broker hai jo 2014 main establish huwa tha. Yeh company Financial Conduct Authority say bhi registered hai. Tickmill safe broker considered kiya jata hai.

    Tickmill main Low fees hai.
    Great aor easy account opening hai.
    Free deposit and withdrawal ki service hai.
    Inactivity fee bilkul nahi hai.
    Minimum deposit $100 hai.
    Account opening time 1 day hai.
    Demo account bhi provide kiya jata hai.
    Forex, CFD offer kiya jata hai.

    Tickmill Deposit options:
    Neteller,Skrill,dotpay,Paysafecard,Rapid by Skrill,China Union Pay,Fasapay,Qiwi,Webmoney

    Tickmill withdrawal options:
    Neteller,Skrill,dotpay,Paysafecard,Rapid by Skrill,China Union Pay,Fasapay,Qiwi,Webmoney

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Akhterp For This Useful Post:

    billyboy00007 (2020-07-18)

  13. #6
    Banned yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111 has a reputation beyond repute yulbang111's Avatar
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    Tickmill is one of the leading retail brokers in its class. Tickmil is known as one of the best brokers for scalping, low spreads for all transactions. Tickmill give access for trading through the support of Autochartist and One-Click Trading. Tickmill also provides VPS for EA users, forex calendar and money management calculators

    Tickmill Broker Advantages :
    - Only use Metatrader 4 Platform
    - Allow all trading technique
    - Unlimited transaction

    Tickmill Broker Disadvantages :
    - Spread can redused while Big impact event.
    - Need 3 to 5 days for verification process
    - Deposit and Witdrawal via Skrill and Neteller
    - There is no Local Bank facility for Deposit and Witdrawal

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  14. #5
    Senior Member cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya has much to be proud of cupunya's Avatar
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    Tickmill is one of the most popular forex brokers in the Asian region. this broker provides online forex trading services since 2014, has been officially regulated by the UK state regulatory body FCA UK.

    The Advantages of Tickmill Broker :
    Minimum Deposit : $ 25
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    Leverage: 1: 500
    Trading Platform: Metatrader and WebTrader
    Regulation: FCA (UK) and FSA (Seychelles)
    Smallest Lot Size: 0.01
    Lot Swap: Free
    Commission: 0
    Gold Trading: Available
    Demo Account: Available
    Payment system: Credit / debit cards, Neteller, Skrill MoneyBookers, UnionPay, Wire transfers

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