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Thread: forex trading calculator excel sheet

    2019-05-30   12:23
    Best answer #1
    Accrued payments  16029 USD

    एक्सएक्ससीएल स्वचालित रूप से एपीगेट फिजीचर कर सकता है - स्टोक पुजारी, एफएक्स रैटेस, स्पॉर्ट्स गमेस के के फ्लिअट दत्त, और शार्प दत्ताबेस में किसी भी इनफो - एक लीव दत्ता सॉरेस से। यह एक दैनिक आधार पर थकाऊ मैनुअल प्रविष्टि को हरा देता है।
    ध्यान दें कि यह कार्यक्षमता, जिसे "गेट एंड ट्रांसफॉर्म / पावर क्वेरी" कहा जाता है, 2007 संस्करण में उपलब्ध नहीं है। केवल 2010 और बाद में:
    यदि आप 2010 का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, तो पावर क्वेरी ऐड-इन डाउनलोड करें और इंस्टॉल करें। यह पहले से ही 2013 और बाद में बनाया गया है।
    "पावर क्वेरी" (या "डेटा"> "नई क्वेरी"> "अन्य स्रोतों से"> "वेब से" पर क्लिक करें)
    "वेब से" बॉक्स में, url दर्ज करें। यदि वेबसाइट से ही आवश्यकता हो तो उपयोगकर्ता क्रेडेंशियल जानकारी प्रदान करें। ओके पर क्लिक करें।"
    पावर क्वेरी वेबपेज को स्कैन करेगा, और "टेबल व्यू" के तहत "नेविगेटर पेन" में डेटा लोड करेगा।
    उस तालिका का चयन करें जिसे आप सूची से क्लिक करके कनेक्ट करना चाहते हैं।
    "लोड करें" पर क्लिक करें और वेब डेटा आपके कार्यपत्रक पर दिखाई देगा।

    2019-06-07   20:40
    Best answer #2

    Lot Size*= The lot size you have with your account.
    PIP Value (approximate)*= Lot Size divided by 10,000. For example standard lot size, 100,000 / 10,000 = $10.
    Risk % or % of Capital at Risk*= This is the amount that you choose to risk per trade. Usually, 1.5-2.0% is a recommended value.
    Average PIP Stop Loss*= With this value you have to estimate the average stop loss size for the trading method used.

    2019-06-19   06:00
    Best answer #3
    Accrued payments  1 USD

    Tidak tahu apakah ini akan berguna bagi siapa pun kecuali saya. * Saya telah mencoba menghitung ukuran lot saya dengan lebih efisien berdasarkan dua faktor. 1) .5% dari ukuran akun saya, 2) jumlah pip untuk stop loss. Saya membuat lembar spread yang membantu saya, pikir saya akan berbagi. * Posting pertama saya tentang ini .
    Beberapa Catatan: *
    pada awal hari
    1) dimasukkan ke saldo akun saya saat ini.
    2) Pilih Risiko dalam% dari nilai akun. (mis., maks 5% untuk setiap Ide perdagangan).
    3) masukkan nilai tukar saat ini untuk 7 pasangan yang dibutuhkan untuk menghitung Nilai Pip dalam USD. * (perhatikan ini akan membuat kami berada di stadion baseball untuk menghitung Nilai Pip. tidak akan tepat kecuali Anda dapat memprogram dalam umpan dari alveo atau sumber lain. itu di luar saya saat ini. Jika sebuah langkah besar terjadi, Anda dapat selalu perbarui nilai saat ini

    2019-05-30   20:25
    Best answer #4

    The calculator shows the possible income projections based on the desired risk, amount of capital, type of lot size used, and the PIP value for major USD pairs.
    The following notes apply.
    Lot Size*= The lot size you have with your account.
    PIP Value (approximate)*= Lot Size divided by 10,000. For example standard lot size, 100,000 / 10,000 = $10.
    Risk % or % of Capital at Risk*= This is the amount that you choose to risk per trade. Usually, 1.5-2.0% is a recommended value.
    Average PIP Stop Loss*= With this value you have to estimate the average stop loss size for the trading method used.
    PIPS Profit Per Day*= for swing trading may be considered PIPS per trade and the days may be then considered trades.

    2019-06-06   02:34
    Best answer #5

    Lot Size*= The lot size you have with your account.
    PIP Value (approximate)*= Lot Size divided by 10,000. For example standard lot size, 100,000 / 10,000 = $10.
    Risk % or % of Capital at Risk*= This is the amount that you choose to risk per trade. Usually, 1.5-2.0% is a recommended value.
    Average PIP Stop Loss*= With this value you have to estimate the average stop loss size for the trading method used.
    PIPS Profit Per Day*= for swing trading may be considered PIPS per trade and the days may be then considered trades.

    2019-05-30   20:18
    Best answer #6

    Excel Spreadsheet: Lot size and Risk calculator.
    I am fairly new to Apiary, Don't know if this will be of any use to anyone but me. *I have been trying to more effeciently calculate my lot size for a trade based on two factors. 1) .5% of my account size, 2) the number of pips to the stop loss. I created a spread sheet that helps me, thought I would share. *my first posting of this sort .
    Some Notes:*
    at the beginning of the day
    1) put in my current account balance.
    2) Select the Risk in % of account value. (i.e. .5% max for each trade Idea).
    3) enter the current exchange rate for 7 pairs needed to calculate the Pip Value in USD. *(note this will get us in the ballpark to calculate the Pip Value. won't be exact unless you can program in a feed from alveo or another source. that is beyond me at the moment. If a big move happens, you can always update the current value.)
    4) Setup which pairs you want to quickly track lot sizes.
    5) enter the stoploss in pips*
    6) determine if you want to leg into a trade
    *a) specify % risk allocated to each leg.
    *b) specify how far away each leg is from the Stop Loss as a percentage of the Total Stop Loss. entry at the full distance would be 100%. *example: 40pip stop loss with one entry @ 40pips (100%) and second entry at 20 pips from the SL (50%). *hopefully it isn't two confusing. look at the speadsheet for an example. *
    7) Each leg displays the number of pips risk, USD Risk, and Maximum number of lots to trade. also shows the total risk, total lots, for all legs.
    NOTE: *the number of lots have been truncated during the calculation to prevent rounding up. *example: if the calculation said I can open .2589 Lots, it is truncated to .25 to prevent it rounding to .26.

  2. #238
    Trusted Member weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rama29 View Post
    yaha par trader ko ache se kaam karna hota hai trader agar yaha par mehnat nahi karta hai to trader yaha par ache se earning nahi kar pata hai trader ke liye acha rehta hai trader yaha par bohot ache se knowledge lekar kaam kare trader ko yaha par knowledge aur experience gain karke hi kaam karna chahiye trader ke liye bohot hi acha rehta hai
    याहा पर ट्रेडर को आचे से काम करना होता है ट्रेडर अगर यहां पर मेहंदी नहीं करता है तो ट्रेडर याहा पर अच्छे से कमाना नहीं कर पाता है ट्रेडर के लिए अच्छा रहता है ट्रेडर याहा पर बहुत अच्छा से ज्ञान लेकर काम करे ट्रेडर को यहां पर ज्ञान और अनुभव हासिल करके ही काम करना चाहिए ट्रेडर के लिए बहुत ही अच्छा रहता है

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  3. #237
    Member rama29 will become famous soon enough rama29's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onetrading View Post
    ge sir ap ne bouht ache baht ke hai ap ko apne forex trading account ke calculater sheet b banana chahiye jis mein ap apne account ke sare information ho ne chahiye qu ke ap ko pata hona chahiye ke ap ke pas kitna balance ha kitna loss hua ha kitna profit hua hai or ap kitny lot ke trading lagayu is se ap ko kafi ziayda faida ho ga k trading skill ko improve karne ke liyu or ap ko is me aik or cheez ka kayual rakhna ho ga ke ap ka tareding calculation theek hona chahiye or ap is se istamal karna chahe to yah bahut aasan be hota hai qu ke ap is se bahut kuch purchase bhi kar sakte hain or ap jasa chahe kar sakte hai or agar ap order be Lagana chahiye to wo be laga sakte hai qu ke is se ap ko pata Lagane mein be bahut hi aasan hota hai
    yaha par trader ko ache se kaam karna hota hai trader agar yaha par mehnat nahi karta hai to trader yaha par ache se earning nahi kar pata hai trader ke liye acha rehta hai trader yaha par bohot ache se knowledge lekar kaam kare trader ko yaha par knowledge aur experience gain karke hi kaam karna chahiye trader ke liye bohot hi acha rehta hai

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  4. #236
    Trusted Member weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onetrading View Post
    ge sir ap ne bouht ache baht ke hai ap ko apne forex trading account ke calculater sheet b banana chahiye jis mein ap apne account ke sare information ho ne chahiye qu ke ap ko pata hona chahiye ke ap ke pas kitna balance ha kitna loss hua ha kitna profit hua hai or ap kitny lot ke trading lagayu is se ap ko kafi ziayda faida ho ga k trading skill ko improve karne ke liyu or ap ko is me aik or cheez ka kayual rakhna ho ga ke ap ka tareding calculation theek hona chahiye or ap is se istamal karna chahe to yah bahut aasan be hota hai qu ke ap is se bahut kuch purchase bhi kar sakte hain or ap jasa chahe kar sakte hai or agar ap order be Lagana chahiye to wo be laga sakte hai qu ke is se ap ko pata Lagane mein be bahut hi aasan hota hai
    हम दोनों स्टॉप लॉस का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और आवश्यक लाभ ले सकते हैं जिसके लिए हम अपने व्यापार से लाभ उत्पन्न कर सकते हैं। यह ट्रेंड कर रहा है। यह ट्रेंड कर रहा था। यह ट्रेंड कर रहा था। और इसलिए हम खुले स्थान को करने में पल नहीं चूकेंगे, मेरे विचार में औसत चलना एक विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार का विश्लेषण करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला सबसे सटीक संकेतक है और औसत को स्थानांतरित करने का लाभ साबित होता है। इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि इंटरसेक्ट के साथ हम सिग्नल को मिस नहीं करेंगे।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  5. #235
    Senior Member onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading has a reputation beyond repute onetrading's Avatar
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    ge sir ap ne bouht ache baht ke hai ap ko apne forex trading account ke calculater sheet b banana chahiye jis mein ap apne account ke sare information ho ne chahiye qu ke ap ko pata hona chahiye ke ap ke pas kitna balance ha kitna loss hua ha kitna profit hua hai or ap kitny lot ke trading lagayu is se ap ko kafi ziayda faida ho ga k trading skill ko improve karne ke liyu or ap ko is me aik or cheez ka kayual rakhna ho ga ke ap ka tareding calculation theek hona chahiye or ap is se istamal karna chahe to yah bahut aasan be hota hai qu ke ap is se bahut kuch purchase bhi kar sakte hain or ap jasa chahe kar sakte hai or agar ap order be Lagana chahiye to wo be laga sakte hai qu ke is se ap ko pata Lagane mein be bahut hi aasan hota hai

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  6. #234
    Trusted Member weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader is a splendid one to behold weeklyscalpertrader's Avatar
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    Acha tool lag raha hai muje lagata hai hame ise ek baar use karke dekhna chahiye apni trading mai kyunki bahut baar ham bas technical analysis karke trading karte hai market mai jab ki hame pata nahi hota hame kitani risk leni chahiye apni account aur kitani nahi

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  7. #233
    Highly Reputed Member lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222 has a reputation beyond repute lover222's Avatar
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    forex trading calculator Jo hota hai vah aapko aapki trading inter karne se pahle yah batata hai ki aapki trading main aapko inter karte hue kitna nuksan hoga aur kitne tips ki moment per aapko kitna profit hoga yah vah sab chij hoti hai jo forex calculator aapko batata hai agar aap forest calculator use karte ho to aapko trading mein nuksan aur profit ka Dada pahle sahi ho jata hai aur apna take profit or Stoploss ka Nazar aap kitna profit hasil karna chahti ho vah confirm pata lag jata hai isliye forex calculator ka use karna laazmi aana chahie is humko stop loss or take profit use karne ka exact pata lag jata hai

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to lover222 For This Useful Post:

    alexca (2021-01-08), kristy (2021-01-05), mristy (2021-01-08)

  9. #232
    Banned Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14 has a reputation beyond repute Qasim14's Avatar
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    forex trading forex calculator ko use karna bahut important hai Forest name forex calculator se aapko aapke balance ke mutabik a lot size ka pata lag jata hai ki kitne points per aapko kitna profit ho sakta hai aur kitne percent per aapko nuksan ka samna karna pad sakta hai matlab ke aap apne account ke hisab se calculator per trading ka gana nikal lete ho aur nuksan ka andaza pahle Hi Bata lag jata hai ki agar aap itni badi trade karoge to aapko kitna nuksan ka samna karna pad sakta hai yah sabse best hai aur achcha bhi hai kyunki yahan se aapko market mein kitna rishta lena hai yah sab baten pata lag jaati Hain forex calculator bahut important Kamal hai

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Qasim14 For This Useful Post:

    alexca (2021-01-08), kristy (2021-01-08)

  11. #231
    Junior Member Geetika is an unknown quantity at this point Geetika's Avatar
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    1) मेरे अत्याधुनिक खाता शेष में डाल दिया।
    2) खाता मूल्य के% में जोखिम का चयन करें। (यानी हर एक्सचेंज आइडिया के लिए .5% अधिकतम)।
    3) यूएसडी में पिप मूल्य की गणना करने के लिए 7 जोड़े के लिए अत्याधुनिक परिवर्तन शुल्क दर्ज करें। (ध्यान दें कि यह हमें पिप मूल्य की गणना करने के लिए बॉलपार्क में मिलेगा। यह सटीक नहीं हो सकता है, सिवाय इसके कि आप एल्वो या किसी अन्य स्रोत से फीड में सॉफ्टवेयर कर सकते हैं। यह मेरे लिए इस समय से परे है। यदि बहुत बड़ा हो जाता है, तो आप लगातार कर सकते हैं। आधुनिक-दिन के मूल्य को अपडेट करें।)
    4) सेटअप जो आप तेजी से गीत आकार के लिए अनुकूल जोड़े।
    5) पिप्स में स्टॉपलॉस दर्ज करें
    6) तय करें कि क्या आप व्यापार में पैर जमाना चाहते हैं
    a) प्रत्येक चरण के लिए आवंटित p.c खतरा निर्दिष्ट करें।
    बी) निर्दिष्ट करें कि कुल स्टॉप लॉस के एक हिस्से के रूप में स्टॉप लॉस से हर पैर कितना दूर है। पूर्ण दूरी पर प्रवेश 100% होगा। उदाहरण: 40pip ने एक प्रविष्टि @ 40pips (100%) के साथ नुकसान और SL (50%) से 20 पिप्स पर दूसरा प्रवेश छोड़ दिया। थोड़ी सी किस्मत के साथ यह दो भ्रामक नहीं है। एक उदाहरण के लिए स्पाइसशीट को देखें।
    7) प्रत्येक पैर व्यापार के लिए पिप्स जोखिम, यूएसडी जोखिम और अधिकतम भार की विविधता प्रदर्शित करता है। इसके अलावा सभी चरणों के लिए संपूर्ण जोखिम, पूरे लॉट को इंगित करता है।
    नोट: राउंडिंग को रोकने के लिए गणना में बहुत सी संख्या को काट दिया गया है। उदाहरण: यदि गणना में कहा गया है कि मैं .2589 लॉट खोल सकता हूं, तो इसे .25 से लेकर वन तक .26 तक गोलाई में काट दिया जाता है।

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  12. #230
    Banned Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123's Avatar
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    Lot Size*= The lot size you have with your account.

    PIP Value (approximate)*= Lot Size divided by 10,000. For example standard lot size, 100,000 / 10,000 = $10.

    Risk % or % of Capital at Risk*= This is the amount that you choose to risk per trade. Usually, 1.5-2.0% is a recommended value.

    Average PIP Stop Loss*= With this value you have to estimate the average stop loss size for the trading method used.

    PIPS Profit Per Day*= for swing trading may be considered PIPS per trade and the days may be then considered trades.

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

  13. #229
    Banned Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123 has a reputation beyond repute Merabnoor123's Avatar
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    Lot Size*= The lot size you have with your account.

    PIP Value (approximate)*= Lot Size divided by 10,000. For example standard lot size, 100,000 / 10,000 = $10.

    Risk % or % of Capital at Risk*= This is the amount that you choose to risk per trade. Usually, 1.5-2.0% is a recommended value.

    Average PIP Stop Loss*= With this value you have to estimate the average stop loss size for the trading method used.

    PIPS Profit Per Day*= for swing trading may be considered PIPS per trade and the days may be then considered trades.

    Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as InstaForex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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