The Right Predictions for Gbp/Chf, Gbp/Usd, Gbp/Cad Weekly Chart Candles for this 2 Weeks are as Follows:-
The Participant who have Predicted 4 Weekly Candles Correctly Out of 6 Candles is the Winner.
- Week 1:- Gbp/Chf - Bear, Gbp/Usd - Bear, Gbp/Cad - Bear.
- Week 2:- Gbp/Chf - Bull, Gbp/Usd - Bull, Gbp/Cad - Bull.
**WINNER FOR Pound Weekly Magic Contest (Bi-Week 15) :- -30th-Jan-2017 :-
1. ASHOK - $16.66 (Predicted 4 Correct Candles Out of 6).
2. mushtaq - $33.33 (Predicted 6 Correct Candles Out of 6).
3. CharlotteFx - $16.66 (Predicted 4 Correct Candles Out of 6).
4. forextaker - $33.33 (Predicted 6 Correct Candles Out of 6).
Congratulations, to the Winners.
Prize will be credited to your Attached Account soon, so make sure you have your Account Attached to your Profile.