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Thread: Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility - vertex fx indicator

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    Member NCDindia is an unknown quantity at this point NCDindia's Avatar
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    Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility - vertex fx indicator

    Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility is a powerful Vertex FX indicator to determine markets retreat levels from new highs, or markets bouncing levels from new lows. This indicator indicates us, when the market enters a trading range. When Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility peaks out, we have reached a reversal point in the trend, and we can enter counter trend position.

    To calculate Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility, we first calculate the difference between the candles high and low. This value is then averaged using an Exponential Moving Average over the last MA_PERIOD candles. The Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility is then calculated as the difference between the current average range and the average range I_PERIOD candles ago, divided by the average range I_PERIOD candles ago. It is multiplied by 100 and expressed on a scale of 100.

    BUY - Enter BUY trade when Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility has reached negative extreme and is ****ually increasing.
    SELL - Enter SELL trade when Chaikin's Dynamic Volatility has reached positive extreme and is ****ually decreasing.
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