EXNESS supports a project to save the polar bear in the Arctic
In cooperation with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Russia, EXNESS is supporting the "Save the Polar Bear" project in Republic Yakutia (Russia). The campaign has started in March 2015.
As part of the project EXNESS will allocate funds to support patrols of the Bear Islands (Medvezhyi Islands), which are home to up to 15 ancestral bear dens, and will finance the purchase of field equipment for inspectors (GPS units, binoculars, uniforms, cameras) and fuel for the snowmobiles. In the middle of March female bears with cubs leave the dens, so it is an especially important time to protect them.
Experts estimate that no more than 25,000 polar bears remain in the world and their number shrinks with each passing year.
Large-scale poaching and climate change are to blame. Due to the melting of Arctic sea ice, the polar bear is losing its natural habitat.
The bears live on ice floes and hunt for seals - their main source of food - on them.
Learn more about other WWF projects supported by EXNESS at
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